Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...

Wednesday, October 15, 2003


much running through my mind these days and so this might just be a little "binge and purge" as opposed to anything substantive or linear.

the human side: while i completely agree with ryan that izzy asper, as the media knew him and many of his opinions, completely rubbed me the wrong way and went against my ethics and beliefs, there is something to be said for the human factor. that is, actually knowing the person beyond what papers they own, or what causes they donate to. while that all contributes and shouldn't be omitted from judgement, i think we spend far too much time deciding we don't like people before we actually get to know them. if we spend more time on the actual human side of things, as opposed to simply adjudicating someone on what we appear to know about them, we might have more friends and less antagonism, negativity and bad stuff flying around this planet.

the distance factor: why is it that when i mentally decide not to commit, my senses work against me? why is it that i choose relationships which are ridden with problems and complications which seem unsurmountable? bah to men!

the nastiness quotient: canadian politics has become far too similar to its american counterpart. first we had the "reptilian kitten-eater from outer space" incident and now that nasty Holocaust imagery in Saskatchewan. why is politics become more rhetorical, more angry and less about substance?

the manic side: life is too crazy right now. junior deaning, co-prime-minister of the canadian club, warden of the chapel, ariel in return to the forbidden planet, president of the gargoyles and also an m.phil student! bah! anyway, i brought it on myself and i'll just need to find some time for sanity later

hope everyone's well

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