So, it's been way too long since I posted but I've had a fairly busy week and I've just been too tired to e-mail or blog. blah to sitting in front of a computer all day staring at random historical names, dates and events to the point where i forget about my own names, dates and events!
monday night i saw del paxton at braemar's. omg are they ever great! so much fun to listen to. last night i worked late and then went out for drinks with my friend kevin. i love people who are as frank as i can be at times and just cut to the chase rather than banter around with subtleties and innuendo.
i also had lunch with my very good friend bill yesterday. we were talking (for 2 hours actually) but one of the most interesting things we were talking about was a question a friend of his asked him way back when. what is the most insulting adjective someone could call you? i thought about it for a long time... the obvious ones roll out first (vain, fat, ugly, boring) but then i thought about what would really, really bother me. my initial list is apathetic, dispassionate, dishonourable or unprincipled. but that me going... i think it reveals a lot about your own insecurities. feel free to let me know in my comments about what could really hurt you (and yes, i will be saving these up for future reference).
in other news, i have officially graduated. while my convocation is not until june, i got a letter this week from the university indicating that i have officially completed the requirements for an Honours B.A. in Political Science with an Honours Option in Peace and Conflict Studies. Yeah, now only 7 more years of school!
Tonight is dinner at Jam's and then maybe hanging out with my friend Dartyn, of WestJet fame. Anyway, sorry to people I haven't e-mailed of late- still too catatonic... maybe the weekend?
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...