So, it's been an eventful few days leading up to my big convocation trip back to Waterloo. My dad is coming with me which should prove pretty entertaining. He's looking forward to seeing me "on my turf" as he puts it. I hope it goes better than when my mom came to visit me in first year. You see, there's the normal pattern of interactions with your parents which are rooted in just living together. When you're all of a sudden placed in a new venue where you aren't expected just to live but to "do" stuff, you suddenly have to redevelop how your interactions are going to work. I didn't really know what to "do" with my mom and Oma but I think my dad and I will hopefully have lots of things to see and get done while we're away.
i think i'm almost finally caught up on my overflowing inbox. you know it's really bad when you're replying to a message sent to you in december. that's when you start to feel like the biggest jerk in the world.
pride on sunday was fun. i've been in an elongated banter with a couple friends on the subject which is getting my juices going, which is a good thing. tonight it's off to a movie with Kevin. We're going to see "about a boy" with hugh grant which has gotten decent reviews so i'm interested. i'll let you know how it goes...
anyway, i may or may not update for the next few days as i'll be out of town. my schedule for the coming days goes something like this:
Wednesday: work all day, fly to hamilton, drive to hotel in waterloo, sleep
Thursday: get up, tour campus, pick up convocation gown, eat lunch, convocation, reception, dinner with bob, linda, john and dad, coffee with john
Friday: hang out with dad all day, drive dad to airport, wedding rehearsal, dinner with john and sue
Saturday: wedding, dinner and art gallery with colleen, clubbing with the bois
Sunday: church, drive to barrie with john, karen's recital, fly back to winnipeg
now after writing all this i realize that most of you don't care about my schedule but for those of you in waterloo you now know where you might be able to fit in a visit...
see you all soon...
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...