we kindly interrupt your regularly scheduled program for this bit of random
there's no coherance yet today because it's 9:24 in the morning and i've still recovering from this bizarre dream which somehow featured being in a musical about homeless people with lots of costume changes and no audience... alas, some thoughts for the day:
*) my birthday party on the weekend was perhaps one of the most fantastic nights of my life. 70 of some of the people i feel truly lucky to have in my life, a fantastic venue, brilliant venue and loads of both champagne/amaretto (not in any way mixed- yuck!) made the pain of turning the big 25 so much easier to bear!
&) buzz hargrove makes me increasingly angry. while i recognise that a $10,000 pay hit may be a lot to ask and while i know that you can't set too low a standard for what you believe your workers are worth, there still arrives a time when you need to ask yourself the question: is this wage what the market will bear? thanks to buzzy-buzz there may be no air canada. having now said no the li's, deutsche bank, and ge, who else does mr. lightyear think is going to rescue our national carrier? good luck trying to get the us airlines who buy the pieces of air canada to hire canadians!
£) ken dryden running for the liberals: coup of all coups!
@) my little maclean's mention has come out. if anyone is interested head to macleans.ca or pick up a copy on a newsstand near you
. . .
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...
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