Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...

Thursday, October 03, 2002

on british bois and other such nuances

part of me feels as if i should have a count-up now so as to indicate how many days i've actually been in britain but i imagine that could become quite tedious. and for right now, every day is new but somehow i think the lines between day 45 and day 86 could be quite meaningless...

anyway, onto more fun and exciting topics. so, my friend daryl is right when he says that it is nearly impossible to distinguish a queer british male. namely, because they all look exactly the same in their hip british funk kind of way. they all wear verigated jeans, diesel shirts, the two shirt look or some abnormal colour of top (including pink and purple). however, yesterday i met my first real queer and i think i knew hew as queer only because of his eye contact.

however, apparently, i do not look queer. namely, because today at argos i got asked out for drinks by the two sales ladies who where having a whole lot of fun embarrassing their co-workers (and me) by upping the ante of inuendo for how cute i was... i blushed madly, said they were fun and quickly ran away...

as for other nuances, one here must grow accustomed to NEVER CONVERTING prices into candian currency. if one did, they would live in a hole, never buying anything except perhaps a bike or the occasional grocery items as everything else is just insane. here's a short tally of my purchases:

2 blue bath sheets @ Debenham's (yes, Jams, the one from the Belle & Sebastian song): 32 pounds (on offer)
1 squeezy sponge @ Body Shop: 2 pounds
1 Graduate gown, Mortar Board and Oxford Best white bow tie @ Ede & Ravenscroft (makers of fine robes for H.M.T.Q. Elizabeth II): 63.25 pounds
1 16-piece plate set @ Argos: 20 pounds
1 16-piece cutlery set @ Argos: 10 pounds
1 8-piece tumbler set @ Argos: 6 pounds
1 6-piece knife block @ Argos: 6 pounds
1 Raleigh Spirit bike with lock, carrier, mud gaurds and stand: 139 pounds
1 alarm clock @ The Ironmaker: 10 pounds
Shampoo and body wash @ Sainsburys: 5 pounds

so, as you can see, i will soon be broke :) not quite, however, these are necessary start-up essentials. so, soon you'll see me consisting of a diet of yoghurt (cheap) and Pellegrino (marginally cheap). anyway, life here is well and i promise a full update again soon...
