the paper continues
done with the students, the employable, the elderly and the disabled. now it's just the fucking poor and the women and the children... will it ever end?
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Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...
Monday, July 21, 2003
fuck- all caps is a shear sign of my current state of insanity. i had an argument with a group of people once where one person kept capitalising things and someone said it was the equivalent of shouting. i would have to say that suits my mood.
some time ago, my supervisor asked me to write a paper on social security in canada including its history and all its current program permutations. well, like the dutiful puppy i yapped yes. now, i've deferred it for as long as possible and have spent the last month reading anything even remotely related to social security (i've even read the bleepin' c.d. howe institute- i hate them!). anyway, i've spent the last two days eating domino's, drinking coffee and coke like i held stock in caffeine and just generally finding the whole experience melancholy. anyway, i'm 4500 hundred words in and still have the majority of sections to write.
i wish i just could write my summary. social security in canada for:
a) employables: thought they were poor and lazy then came the depression and thought they were just unfortunate, now think they're poor and lazy again (or a newfie fisherman)
b) the poor: thought they were underserving and stupid. changed a bit to think maybe they deserved some help (especially women and children) then changed our mind and decided to make them work.
c) the disabled: have never cared and still don't.
d) the old: they never go away so we keep throwing them a bone. for a while the bone was juicy (universal old age security) but now we try and throw it onto an ice flow and hope they chase it, float away and die.
e) women and children: used to think they were special, now they get nothing. what do you mean you can't work once you have kids? daycare? what do you think this is: romper room?
f) first nations: screwed them over, screwed them over some more, screwing them now. security? doesn't mean that putting them all in prison?
anyway, unfortunately, my supervisor wants a bit more :) it will be done tonight but i might die first. if this is grad school, i might hate it!
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