Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...

Friday, July 12, 2002

Well, great news today! I didn't think the right to marry would mean this much to me but I was actually emotional upon hearing the news today. This is a massive step towards overall equality. State sanction for marriage is not necessarily important for the sake of acknowledgement from the straight majority but it is vitally important for a public way of acknowledging real love between two people.

I have no plans to get married any time soon but the fact that I now can have a recognized bond of love with a future partner allows me to share that love with my community in a way that is understood and also allows me to help those who are not as supportive to relate to how my partnership will work. Now we'll just have to see if the gay divorce rates exceed or fall below the straight community :)

If my memory serves correct, the MCC marriage happened before the first marriage in the Netherlands and so this might be the first gay sanctioned gay marriage in the world... but i'm not an authority so don't quote me on that.

i wrote this post earlier today but the web was being dumb and so it's only going up now. anyway, tomorrow and sunday i'm at folk fest with different crews but it should be fun... must get some sleep though!