tropical storm mark
life is ever a circling, all-consuming rush ploughing through all that is "normal" and comfortable only to make room for gaping holes which must be addressed and, eventually, filled. however, it does not simply leave nothingness but instead traces and remnants of what was previously there so that you have to decide whether to resurrect, build over or simply abandon.
resurrection is simply a tribute to the past. however, you can never build identical to that which came before and, often, the whole exercise is futile because the circumstances have likely change and probably require something else there.
building over requires vision, leadership and a willingness to start afresh. it can, conversely, ignore the past and also requires energy that is simply not there after seeing all that you thought was stable and real crumble.
abandonment is, in many ways, the easy way out. running away and pretending there was nothing ever there seems pleasurable but is all too easily painful. also, one is constantly left with the horrible thought that someone will one day stumble upon this mess and make conclusions about what was there and who might have made it which provoke guilt and anguish over one's own legacy.
so, what is the answer? not sure... more on a less metaphorical take on my life later
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Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...