today? tomorrow? last week? how do i differentiate?
there's a certain consistency to life.
there are the routines of life. eating, sleeping, playing, feeling, thinking, breathing, dying (piece by piece of course).
we dispute this fact with some attempt at differentiation.
today i visited with this friend. today i saw a play. today i ate something different for lunch.
however, in the hind-sight memorial that we make of our past each of these is really just one piece of a mosaic.
there are no days ascribed to these.
no thursdays, tuesdays, easters, christmases, cloudy days, fucking hot-humid-scorching-drought days.
just moments, experiences, feelings.
so, what then is today?
today is a possibility.
today is a chance for the bright cobalt blue piece of the mosaic which stands out from all the rest.
not because it was a thursday.
not because it was cloudy or because it rained.
not because hallmark decided that a baby boy in swaddling clothes made for a great marketing ploy.
but because today marks the chance that i will feel something new, perceive something differently.
or that i will find someone new.
and that is worth remembering.
so, yeah, that was my philosophical blog for the day.
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...
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