i know, i know, i'm a blog slacker. however, part of interest in having a blog is generating discussion on what it is that's going through my mind. and because no one really comments any more i just figure that i can just dialogue with myself in my head without having to write it all out :) and no, talking to yourself is not a form of mental instability (imho)
i've been busy like mad with the fringe festival here. even when i don't go to see plays i still meet people and hang out with them before they go to see plays. so far i've seen trevor's stnad up comedy show (3 stars from the Winnipeg Free Press). I was actually going to give it 2 1/2 stars. Trevor's amazing and deserves 4 to 4 1/2 but jason is so bad that he takes away stars from trevor. similar things could be said about warren.
i also saw brave hearts last night. you could tell it was written in the 1980's and the two gents i saw it with (who are of older generations than i) told me it was very much rooted in that time period. it's about two gay men trying to come to terms with themselves. one of them has aids. how much things have changed since then. in the play, the character with aids quits his job almost immediately and basically suggests he'll die in a matter of months and that there will be grapefruit-size spores all over his body. not that life with aids is much better now but there certainly is people "living" with aids these days as opposed to just getting it and dying soon after.
what hasn't changed in the 80's is the difficulty associating with coming out. i cried in the part where they talked about parents- it appears that medicine has moved faster than the family dynamic...
tonight's it men are stoopid, women are crazy and then ballet in the park with jam. tomorrow is job: the hip-hop musical and then slipknow (if dave, the greatest boyfriend andrea's ever had, waits in line early enough to get us tickets :)
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...
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