I just did an Ipsos-Reid survey on Aboriginal issues in Canada. I found this to be quite humorous considering that I work on Aboriginal land claim issues on a daily basis and have had a fairly long political research connection on the topic. The funny thing was that I kept wondering how my views differed from those of the average Canadian. They asked a lot of questions that were definitely aimed at isolating stereotypes: do you think Aboriginal leaders are less capable or more capable of managing their funds? (no option in between). Do you think changes to the Indian Act are a good or a bad thing? (no option in between).
While I feel strongly on the subject I certainly don't think my answers are that black and white. She laughed though when she asked if I had any connection to Aboriginal people or any knowledge of these issues and I told her that it was my job :) I guess I'm just going to throw off the survey results.
anyway, it was interesting but at the same time frightening because I know that it was probably a federally-funded poll which means that the government might use poll results to make complex policy changes. grrr to that. i'm all about representation democracy- but i'm also all about informed governance!
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...
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