grrr.. So I began a really great blog today and then it got eaten because my script was too long apparently. anyway, i was awoken this morning by a friggin' call by the Trillium Foundation. For those of you who have been blessed not to have to interact with this organization, it's a government monster. The Ontario government created the organization essentially to make arts organizations and other community groups get down on their knees and suck the gov's wang for piddly amounts of funding. However, the process takes months if not years. I submitted an application for my choir in fall. First you have to submit. Then you have to meet with them and prove your effeciency and your organization building strategy. Then you have to rewrite it. Then you have to meet with them again. Then, they call to tell you that it will be another week before they finally decide if you get any money at all.
The worst part is that it's a big front for taking government money (snatched away from the gambling-addicted as it all comes from lottery revenues) and make people prove that with this piddly sum, your organization will suddenly become a massive revenue-making machine and be totally self-sustaining. I don't buy any of that bullshit so I just had to fill our application with wonderful bureaucratic buzzwords like "organizational effeciency", "increased and diversified revenue streams" and the always-great gains in "audience market share." blah, just give me my fucking money...
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...
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