Another day, another dollar? dinner? dawn? deep thought? dick? well, not really... just another day. It was actually a really good one. I actually did work today- real work. At work everything gets billed to a project number depending on what it is you're working on. Up until now, I've basically been billing all my work to "admin" because all I've been doing is consolidating files and cataloguing stuff in the office. Today, I actually got to work on real stuff which was exciting.
I found out that my office, like almost any other office, is filled with office politics. This seems funny to me because our office only employs about 7 or 8 people, depending on the day. However, even in this small a microcosm of people there are personality conflicts, misunderstandings, tensions and gender/sexual politics. I find it interesting that amongst all of the complexity of human relationships that exist in a workplace certain consistencies occur. Us humans- we're an interesting bunch.
My birthday party was a blast last night. It's so great to be around people I care about and to reconnect with people who I have such a long and storied shared history with. It makes me feel good about how far I've come but also humbles me to remind myself of what a loser I've been...
Tonight I'm having the fam over for coffee and cake for my birthday... Only three more days to the long weekend! I'm SOOOO excited. I can't wait for some good time just chilling out at the cottage, drinking coffee and reading.
Today has not been filled with overly deep thoughts and so I will not wax poetic or philosophic for now. Something might come to me though. I've been processing a lot of stuff about history and memory that I might have to get out soon... Keep watching.
P.S. Does anyone have yesterday's QAF taped?
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...
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