Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

About a boy who randomly posts but is filled with many thoughts, most of them ridiculous, some stupid and the odd one intriguing...

Friday, December 06, 2002

last day of term

i had my last tutorial today. finished my last essay this week. sany my second last carol concert tonight. now it's just catching up on the hundreds of books i didn't get to reading this term. but first there's some killer sleeping in to be done tomorrow :)

in other news

z) i have no idea what to get the boi for christmas...
y) i'm super excited for rome.
x) i had a killer conversation today about art, the meaning of the "external world" and about the way in which we can communicate ideas
w) did the 12 days of christmas tonight in an evensong and enjoyed it for the first time (there were funny monologues interspersed)
v) i want to know what my nephew looks like right now!
u) i'm still stressing over my dissertation topic
t) what do you guys think of me becoming a journalist or an actor? sound good?

ciao for now (and sorry about the incoherent but important ramble below!)

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